Social Impact - Eastern Savings and Loans
Social Impact

The aim of our first Social Impact Report is to show the social impact Eastern Savings & Loans Credit Union has for the communities in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and North and Central Essex.

This report also provides existing and potential stakeholders, and partners, with a view of the benefits of our credit union, the services and also support we provide as a whole.

The data in this Social Impact Report covers October 2020 – March 2024.

“If I’d done nothing else in my life other than be involved in the foundation of the credit union movement in my part of the world, I would be quite happy, because there is no organisation that does more for ordinary people than the credit union movement.”

– John Hume, MEP and Nobel Peace Prize Winner speaking at ABCUL AGM 2001

Contact Us

Please contact us if we can offer any additional information on our Credit Union, and ways we can work together in the future.

Becca Cotton – Projects Manager

03336 000690

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Member of ABCUL

Members of ABCUL

All funds are FSCS protected

Your money is protected up to £85,000

We are authorised and regulated by PRA

Authorised and Regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority

Members of ABCUL

Your money is protected up to £85,000

Authorised and Regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority